Why No Wheat in the Whole Life Challenge?

Provided by the WLC

No Wheat

It may come as a surprise, but next to quitting smoking and drinking sugar, getting off grains can have the single biggest positiveimpact on your health. Grains are actually reproductive systems, and are in a fight to survive! Evolution has equipped them with several things that make them quite unappealing to our digestive systems, actually making them toxic to our bodies. (Not toxic in the way drinking anti-freeze is toxic) but toxic nonetheless.

Grains contain 3 things that you definitely want to avoid as much as possible: Gluten, phytates and lectins.

1.) Gluten can wreck havoc in your gut lining and make it very difficult for your body to absorb the nutrients you eat. Your body actually sees gluten as a threat and produces anti-bodies to get rid of it.

2.) Phytates bind nutrients from other foods and make them unavailable to your body.

3.) Lectins will mess with your gut lining and your body’s use of insulin.

The reality is, grains have evolved to keep predators (us) away!

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