Save Time and Calories With Meal Planning

By Lindsay Del Rossi

When you think of meal planning for the week don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to help you so that you can save time, and money during the week. You will find that once you are in a consistent pattern, this too can be a helpful tool to make your life simpler and healthier.

You plan to workout…plan your meals too ?

What are some ways that you are currently planning your weekly meals and snacks? 

How do you decide what you are going to have?
How do you pack them?
When do you put it all together?

How many of your pack your kids lunches the night before school?  Take an extra few minutes to do the same for yourself.  On your least busy night of the week make a portion or two of a healthy grain such as quinoa. Choose a veggie to have on the side like roasted asparagus, and a lean protein like Fish or chicken breast.

Each week  can change for variety and taste.  Season with a non- Sodium Seasoning such as Mrs. Dash or Traders Joes 21 seasoning Salute.

Keep healthy snacks like easy to peel/pack fruits, hard boiled eggs, nuts, yogurts, celery sticks, snack bars (i.e. Kind or Lara), hummus etc. stored in your kitchen, car and office.

Make portion controlled snack bags for yourself to gnosh on throughout the day.

Stumped for ideas?There are so many great ideas out there on Pinterest,, and your friends on Facebook are dying to share their ideas.

Plan ahead and be consistent!

Next week we will talk about Part Two of meal Planning:  involving the family!